Tatjana says:
‘I want to inspire people, just like Lowri has inspired me. That’s why I am showing these before and after pictures, which I am so proud off. Lowri helped me to train my stomach and my brain to work together (to eat more but quit bad habits). With hard work and dedication as well as all that positivity and inspiration, I have achieved my goal and I have been able to stay fit and maintain a healthy weight without any problems for three years. I am now a changed person’.
Starting weight: 12 stone
Weight now: 8 stone
Lowri says:
‘Tatjana came to me as a slightly overweight 15 year-old who wanted to be able to fit into the same clothes as her slimmer friends. Her confidence was suffering because she didn’t feel as attractive as some in her peer group. We worked together to develop a healthy eating plan that fitted in with her teen lifestyle and used hypnotherapy to break bad habits, increase her confidence and motivate her to value herself and her body. She has done brilliantly, especially as she has lost the weight and now maintained this weight loss for three years.
‘Tatjana is a fantastic inspiration not just for other teens but for anyone who wants to make a fundamental change to how their body looks and how they feel’.
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